I don't usually write reviews for films, even when they're great. Another thing I don't usually do is like to put a title or ranking on "my greatest films" or "my greatest books" of all time because you can't see and read them all nor really judge all the different genres and movies as one...However, there are times when you have to make some exceptions.
I just watched my number one on my movie list Shawshank Repemption, and can honestly say it is one of the most beautiful and greatest movies I've ever seen. There is a point in which Andy says 'Get busy living or get busy dying' and I think that truly if you stop being busy living you do get busy dying, and this is one of those films that makes me so glad to have a bucket list.
I greatly urge any fellow people, especially bucket listers, to see this film to the end. Very rarely have I been quiet so moved. Or if you only have a few minutes, take a moment to listen to this soundtrack:
I can't get enough of it. :)
Oh, I HEART Shawshank Redemption and I tell anyone who hasn't seen it to watch it as soon as possible!