I've been strength training 4x a week for the last five weeks. I'm learning how to build habits and become better than yesterday. This is what I've learned so far:
Things I've Learned So Far - I'm Calling this
"psst Elyse, you are a warrior..."
I like to think of myself as a bit of an overachiever, which means I usually set myself to many things to change at once. Anyone who's ever tried to change their life probably knows my pain of wanting to do everything at once. My first challenge I failed, because I set myself six HUGE goals : Bodyweight workout three times a week, 10 push-ups, plank for one minute, sort out personal branding, save £1000... What was I thinking? My brain can't focus on that many things at once!
So this time i kept it simple: Workout on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. And it's worked! I've done extra things on the side, for example I've made tonnes of progress in my personal projects and found ways of being a lot more productive at work. I started taking protein shakes and eating breakfast each day. But these things I did because I felt like I knew a better way, and I knew it was okay to fail. I've allowed myself to eat whatever i want- i have Chinese takeaway, pizza, pasta, bread, chocolate -You name it! And that's fine, because I know that the next challenge is going to be bring in a healthy lunch. I'm here to build long term habits, not change my life completely in 30 days.
I think another thing that helped, was that before when i missed a workout i used the excuse "It's okay, i'll start tomorrow/monday/wednesday/this weekend etc.". Now i'm like, okay if i miss my workout (haven't yet
my next workout day is... And i have to make that day. Much easier. And it also means that instead of just being really productive one week and doing all three workouts at the start of the week, and eventually putting them off at the end of the week - I've actually got into a routine of which days I workout. This also let me relax (HA! Relax, no i'm doing personal work!), or at least not feel bad on my rest days.. Because the rest days are part of the program.
Logging my progress has helped a lot too. I got discouraged with the bodyweight workout really quickly because I didn't feel it was helping. But now I have actual proof! Even on days I went to the gym and didn't get anything out of it - It's okay. I turned up. I made the effort. I kept the habit up. I have other days where I can be perfect, as long as today I'm better than yesterday.
A new technique I've been employing the last week or two, is that I listen to this motivational speech on my way home from work (I'll link it if anyone's interested). It's a video that almost brings tears to my eyes because I have so much passion for my work, and travelling and I just want to be better. It's perfect because I power walk all the way home, sit down, blast out two hours work, shoot of to the gym, lift all the heavy things, come home and still have energy left to get a bit more done.
If I make myself a day-by-day plan to work towards... I'm really good at sticking to it. I recently signed up to the Comicon 2015 animation competition, and for the last few weeks I've been struggling to make progress - which is especially frustrating for me, because I just sat and my computer trying to will things to happen. I made a plan from now to the competition's deadline, and have been powering through it each night. It's relieved so much pressure because I'm now "ahead" 3 days, and I know it'll get finished on time. I can't believe how productive I've been this week - It's truly amazing! And a lot of my negative thoughts have gone because I've been so successful with my goals.
That's all I got for now! I'm hoping to expand this list as I learn better ways to achieve my goals. I realise a lot of this is obvious/already been said, but this is just a reminder to my future self
. Oh and, if you didn't notice, i chose the warriors guild haha! I've always secretly wanted to be a warrior, but been told my whole life I'm built to be a scout. No more. I want to be strong.
(Also i realise lara isn't quiet a warrior haha! But to me she's awesome kick ass female. My primary focus is still to get strong, but in the back of my head, I want to be a traveller, rock climber, arrow shooter, martial artist, survivor, long distance runner) 
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