Thursday, 2 August 2012

88# Get A Summer Job

So I set myself the goal of getting a summer job, which although not the most glamorous or exciting thing in the world, is a nice milestone to make. Scraping pennies together for my first year of uni and a diet that consisted way too heavily of baked beans was... interesting. But I thought that having some extra money would really help and I couldn't do nothing all summer. Luckily enough for me, with enough CV's, I did get a job at a carework company. Only problem was working from about 6:30 Am to 10:30 PM for a month pretty much killed me and I had to leave after only a month. I won't forget the experience and the lovely people I met whilst doing it though. It was really inspiring to have the unique privilege to explore other people's lives. But I can safely cross this one off my list.

What was your first summer job? Or first ever job? Mine was actually working at a hairdressers but I don't like to count it because it only lasted a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Mine was working as a temp at Ordnance Survey. 10 yrs later I am now working there permanently! Even though I'm in my 20s, I suddenly feel old!
