Friday, 17 August 2012

#58 Throw a Themed Party (/go to a themed party)

So a year ago today (or yesterday as the case may now be) my friends and I were all awaiting the A-Level results that could potentially change the direction of our lives over the course of the next few years.  365 days later, A-Level results night is holding a massive street foam party where you have to dress up like Noah's Arc! I couldn't miss it! So I had to apologise to my dad to rearrange us seeing Brave, and instead went about making a mask for the night.
I decided to go as a raving raven, carefully painting on strokes of blue, white and black, before grabbing the glue gun and smothering it in feathers!
 The three of us ready to go out, as a peacock, unicorn and raven.

We spent most of the night right underneath this huge foam blaster. At more than one point i couldn't see anything, just a haze of white. It also didn't help much that it got in you're eyes and really stung. But we had such a good night! Jumping around and throwing foam at everyone! It was up to our waists most of the time

This is us by the end of the night, completely soaking and covered in foam. 

Then I spotted a police officer....

Or two...
All in all a fantastic night! We were the most dressed up there too. I guess most people assume on leopard print belt or some zebra shoes are enough! But we went there! Ever hugged a police officer or had your own themed night? I'd love to know how far you went dressing up!

Friday, 3 August 2012

105# Start Running Again

I don't know how many out you have ever heard of something called an Iron Man, at least I know I certainly didn't until my dad started training for half of one. A Half Iron Man is one of the toughest, long-distance marathons in existance. It consists of a 1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride and a 13.1 mile (marathon) run. To put it in perspective, to finish this race properly with months and years of training, a good time would be eight hours....EIGHT HOURS! Which is why I am especially proud of my dad for completing it, (and in just under eight hours ;), don't be decieved by the time on the clock ). So in his honour, and mine, I have started running again. I'm really enjoying it so far, and starting slow. I'll keep you updated how it goes.

What do you think your greatest achievement is? Or what has someone you admire achieved?

Thursday, 2 August 2012

88# Get A Summer Job

So I set myself the goal of getting a summer job, which although not the most glamorous or exciting thing in the world, is a nice milestone to make. Scraping pennies together for my first year of uni and a diet that consisted way too heavily of baked beans was... interesting. But I thought that having some extra money would really help and I couldn't do nothing all summer. Luckily enough for me, with enough CV's, I did get a job at a carework company. Only problem was working from about 6:30 Am to 10:30 PM for a month pretty much killed me and I had to leave after only a month. I won't forget the experience and the lovely people I met whilst doing it though. It was really inspiring to have the unique privilege to explore other people's lives. But I can safely cross this one off my list.

What was your first summer job? Or first ever job? Mine was actually working at a hairdressers but I don't like to count it because it only lasted a few days.