Thursday, 2 September 2010

Ticking off a bunch of holiday achievements :)

Well unfortunately it’s back to school. Where the heck did the summer go? Anyone else feel like it came and went in the blink of an eye or just me? At least I managed to tick a bunch of things off, so not too bad. Hopefully I’ll remember them all:

#22 Surf out at sea (We went for a full surfing instruction day, and I’d recommend it to everyone! So much fun, but surprisingly a heck of a lot of work!)

#47 Speak German outside of a school event (I actually did this twice so that’s THAT well and truly crossed off….With bonus points for them all actually understanding me XD)

#65 Wear slippers in Summer (Not a hard one to tick of I guess, but it’s a mad little thing to smile back fondly on when i’m old and grey, taking comfort in the fact that I’m just as mad today as i’ll be at 100 :P)

#70 Dance with a stranger (Or a few lol :P)

(not a complete but-) 93# learn to drive – passed my theory!

The films from my list I saw were:

Die Hard (All four actually!)

In Bruges (Hilarious, and it has Irish people in it! (L))

Harvey (A really cute, classic film.)

Book i’ve read:

Animal farm by George Orwell

1984 by George Orwell

Both of these book are very clever, if not leaving you with the happiest of endings…

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