Monday, 4 July 2011
#53 - Know phone number off by heart
I finally learnt it yay! How long have I had this phone? Since last Christmas. So it's taken me the best part of half a year to learn. Hahaha! The things you just don't get round to eh? How's everyone's summer going?
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
I Have A Dream...
I was reading up about the books on my booklist the other day and stumbled across one I wrote down a little while ago, which was the '4-Hour Workweek' by Tim Ferris. I got really excited about some of the concepts so -as you do- instead of waiting for the book (currently at the library but can't pick it up yet), I went and had a good look online for more stuff about him and what he teaches. One thing that really stood out to me was this list he had, in which he listed 5 things of each that he dreamed of; Having, Being and Doing. And I thought, what a great idea!
When you look at a lot of people's bucket lists (like mine) you can usually see some crazy stuff like 'Milk a Cow' or 'Plant a tree' and while yes, it is good to be a bit crazy...Would you die happy if you'd done nothing else but milk a cow and plant a tree? I just get the feeling that in the process of making a bucket list, we're trying to do so much stuff a lot of it ends up being the smaller things.
So here's the solution! I've written done my having,being and doing dreams that excite me the most at the minute, and the plan is, every year I'm going to try and accomplish (or work hard towards accomplishing) at least ONE of these things. For example, say I decided that this year, I'm going to get a Scuba Diving License, (or put all my money into getting one soon etc.). That's pretty exciting! And it means that whilst I'm working toward these HUGE goals, I can have fun in the mean time with the smaller goals, and still feel I'm accomplishing loads. And each time I do one, that's a "dream completed" and I can pick another thing to replace it.
Because seriously, when someone asks you what you did last year, it sounds more impressive to say you funded your own week trip to Italy, than milked a couple of cows, and went to a spa.
Current 5 Biggest Things I DREAM of:
1. A Scuba Diving License
2. A Fiat 500 or Mini Cooper
3. A Passive Income
4. A Home That I Own
5. Read 200 Greatest Films and 100 Greatest Books
1. Able To Revise/Learn/Work Efficiently
2. Able To Speed Read
3. Fluent in German and Italian
4. Financially Secure
5. A Great Cook
(6) Able to spend more time with family/friends
1. Going on holiday to Italy for a week (with a friend)
2. Paragliding
3. Skydiving
4. Going up in a Hot Air Balloon
5. Getting Fit (specific...?)
Now I just have to pick one and figure out how I'm going to do it.... hmmmm
When you look at a lot of people's bucket lists (like mine) you can usually see some crazy stuff like 'Milk a Cow' or 'Plant a tree' and while yes, it is good to be a bit crazy...Would you die happy if you'd done nothing else but milk a cow and plant a tree? I just get the feeling that in the process of making a bucket list, we're trying to do so much stuff a lot of it ends up being the smaller things.
So here's the solution! I've written done my having,being and doing dreams that excite me the most at the minute, and the plan is, every year I'm going to try and accomplish (or work hard towards accomplishing) at least ONE of these things. For example, say I decided that this year, I'm going to get a Scuba Diving License, (or put all my money into getting one soon etc.). That's pretty exciting! And it means that whilst I'm working toward these HUGE goals, I can have fun in the mean time with the smaller goals, and still feel I'm accomplishing loads. And each time I do one, that's a "dream completed" and I can pick another thing to replace it.
Because seriously, when someone asks you what you did last year, it sounds more impressive to say you funded your own week trip to Italy, than milked a couple of cows, and went to a spa.
Current 5 Biggest Things I DREAM of:
1. A Scuba Diving License
2. A Fiat 500 or Mini Cooper
3. A Passive Income
4. A Home That I Own
5. Read 200 Greatest Films and 100 Greatest Books
1. Able To Revise/Learn/Work Efficiently
2. Able To Speed Read
3. Fluent in German and Italian
4. Financially Secure
5. A Great Cook
(6) Able to spend more time with family/friends
1. Going on holiday to Italy for a week (with a friend)
2. Paragliding
3. Skydiving
4. Going up in a Hot Air Balloon
5. Getting Fit (specific...?)
Now I just have to pick one and figure out how I'm going to do it.... hmmmm
4-hour workeweek,
bucket list,
tim ferris
Saturday, 11 June 2011
#73 Get a piece of art into an exhibition
I thought this one would be really hard to achieve, but it turned out that I didn't have to do anything more than finish my final piece of A-Level Art when we all got the opportunity to select a piece to put into this exhibition. I didn't have high hopes of getting in and I also had no clue whether this was a big or small exhibition, for all artists or just our school or what. But I submitted a piece anyway and I got in! Along with only four other pieces from my school!
What I did not expect was as I was walking up the stairs to the room to see my butt-ugly gothic thing staring me down from the front door as a horrible fear gripped me even more when I realised almost every other painting was a calm and beautiful watercolour...And mine was just...that. So deeply embarrassed (for I also had brought my mum and dad and a friend along, it was a private pre-exhibition for the artists) I didn't even tell them which was mine. Hell I barely looked at the thing just in case they would happen to look at the huge name tag next to it.
What I FURTHER did not expect, was after 10 minutes of looking at these brilliant pictures for the manager to clink his glass and to gather everyone up for a speech. He then announced something like, "Before I begin, I wish to point out this piece (to which I begged he was motioning to the one next to mine) and ask whether the artist is in the room. I waited a few dreaded seconds as everyone looked at each other before squeaking up from the back "You don't mean the corset do you?". To which many chuckled as I turned bright red and was ushered to the front.
I then tried to smile from my tomato face as he continued to say that my particular piece has caused much controversy and sparked much debate and conversation (to which I thought, if it was such a big problem then why stick it RIGHT BY THE FREAKING DOOR!?) and then stated that that was in fact something that all artists strive for and many do not achieve, especially at my early age. And that I should be very proud to have created such a stir or emotions. And then everyone clapped!
I then enquired if I could go back now, and scuttled back off the the back of the room, shaking and not quiet realising what had happened, further shocked when my dad turned to me and demanded 'Is that one really yours?". To which I meekly replied that it was, and he told me that it was amazing and absolutely brilliant - when I thought he'd hate it!. Still shaking and finally catching up, I tried desperately to stop shaking, stop blushing and stop looking so terribly smug.
It was such an honour to have achieved this great status, and making my ego even bigger only then proceeded to talk about two further pieces of work before thanking everyone for coming. A few people then gave me a few congratulations, one came and asked me if my friend's piece of work was on sale - to which I never knew that offers could be made-, and said I was sure she could contact the school and ask.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the sort of thing anyone would want in their home so I'm not going to hold my breathe for offers haha. But if anything, out of this hard and tiring A-Level I have achieved something that apparently most cannot. Phew! What a day. Oh! And have a look at my new book list blog if you've got time, thanks guys :D
(The tag behind it states "Elyse Gymer, 18: Black Swan inspired Corset) (like the movie?)
What I FURTHER did not expect, was after 10 minutes of looking at these brilliant pictures for the manager to clink his glass and to gather everyone up for a speech. He then announced something like, "Before I begin, I wish to point out this piece (to which I begged he was motioning to the one next to mine) and ask whether the artist is in the room. I waited a few dreaded seconds as everyone looked at each other before squeaking up from the back "You don't mean the corset do you?". To which many chuckled as I turned bright red and was ushered to the front.
I then tried to smile from my tomato face as he continued to say that my particular piece has caused much controversy and sparked much debate and conversation (to which I thought, if it was such a big problem then why stick it RIGHT BY THE FREAKING DOOR!?) and then stated that that was in fact something that all artists strive for and many do not achieve, especially at my early age. And that I should be very proud to have created such a stir or emotions. And then everyone clapped!
I then enquired if I could go back now, and scuttled back off the the back of the room, shaking and not quiet realising what had happened, further shocked when my dad turned to me and demanded 'Is that one really yours?". To which I meekly replied that it was, and he told me that it was amazing and absolutely brilliant - when I thought he'd hate it!. Still shaking and finally catching up, I tried desperately to stop shaking, stop blushing and stop looking so terribly smug.
It was such an honour to have achieved this great status, and making my ego even bigger only then proceeded to talk about two further pieces of work before thanking everyone for coming. A few people then gave me a few congratulations, one came and asked me if my friend's piece of work was on sale - to which I never knew that offers could be made-, and said I was sure she could contact the school and ask.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the sort of thing anyone would want in their home so I'm not going to hold my breathe for offers haha. But if anything, out of this hard and tiring A-Level I have achieved something that apparently most cannot. Phew! What a day. Oh! And have a look at my new book list blog if you've got time, thanks guys :D
(The tag behind it states "Elyse Gymer, 18: Black Swan inspired Corset) (like the movie?)
Monday, 30 May 2011
#15 Keep a blog for over a year!
One year old tomorrow! I have an early notice so when people get round to reading this, this website will be one year old, as I started it on the 1st of June 2010. Wow a year flown by so fast! I've had to change my list around a lot, so a few of the things that I did go out and complete aren't on there any more, but there are things I wouldn't have done without this blog and I intend to keep going! Oh and some other good news, I got my actual donor card today (which i'll post a picture of later) and this is what the letter said:
"Dear Ms Gymer,
Thank you for joining the NHS Organ Donor Register by registering on our website and making the commitment to help others live after your death.
The Register gives hope to more than 10,000 people of all ages across the UK who desperately need an organ transplant. Although more of these life saving operations take place than ever before, many people - on average three a day- will die waiting for a transplant simply because there are not enough organs avaliable.
(Then it goes on stating some of my personal details, and that I'm going to donate any of my organs or tissue, as well as where to get information.)
Thank you once again on behalf of the many people who need a transplant. Their future depends on the generosity of others, like you, to save and transform their lives.
And all I did was put in a few details online! Oh and thank you to my bloggers and other Listers out there who keep me going and ticking things off! (Not letting me post pictures... hmmpf)
"Dear Ms Gymer,
Thank you for joining the NHS Organ Donor Register by registering on our website and making the commitment to help others live after your death.
The Register gives hope to more than 10,000 people of all ages across the UK who desperately need an organ transplant. Although more of these life saving operations take place than ever before, many people - on average three a day- will die waiting for a transplant simply because there are not enough organs avaliable.
(Then it goes on stating some of my personal details, and that I'm going to donate any of my organs or tissue, as well as where to get information.)
Thank you once again on behalf of the many people who need a transplant. Their future depends on the generosity of others, like you, to save and transform their lives.
And all I did was put in a few details online! Oh and thank you to my bloggers and other Listers out there who keep me going and ticking things off! (Not letting me post pictures... hmmpf)
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
100 Books in 100 weeks
So I was having a look at my list and I realised that although I started off well, through my exams and coursework I've kind of dwindled off of my book list. So I thought to challenge myself, I'm going to do 100 book in 100 weeks, in which i'm going to be reviewing a book every Monday until it's completely done! However, I realised that I have read 7 books already, and though that isn't a massive achievement - 93 books in 93 weeks didn't sound as good. So I'm going to swap a few round to make up the numbers and post the list on another blog I'm going to create that I'll leave a link to :).
Saturday, 14 May 2011
#40 (movie list) Shawshank Redemption

I don't usually write reviews for films, even when they're great. Another thing I don't usually do is like to put a title or ranking on "my greatest films" or "my greatest books" of all time because you can't see and read them all nor really judge all the different genres and movies as one...However, there are times when you have to make some exceptions.
I just watched my number one on my movie list Shawshank Repemption, and can honestly say it is one of the most beautiful and greatest movies I've ever seen. There is a point in which Andy says 'Get busy living or get busy dying' and I think that truly if you stop being busy living you do get busy dying, and this is one of those films that makes me so glad to have a bucket list.
I greatly urge any fellow people, especially bucket listers, to see this film to the end. Very rarely have I been quiet so moved. Or if you only have a few minutes, take a moment to listen to this soundtrack:
I can't get enough of it. :)
Sunday, 8 May 2011
#46 - Sign up for organ donation

I'm a Superhero woo! So I finally got round to signing up for organ donation, and not in the sense of 'Oh I didn't know how.' or 'Oh I couldn't I was busy', no it was literally just getting the courage to actually do it, because the idea of it is quite scary! I don't want to think about being dead and having people cut me up and share my organs around! When I heard they can use your eyes (only a small part- your corneas) I could just imagine being a blind ghost knocking things over and moaning thinking 'oh why did I sign up for that blasted thing!?' for all eternity. This may seem pretty silly, as I'm an atheist, I don't believe in ghosts. So I went online, went to the organ donation website( it took me about 3 minutes and that's it!

So now when I get round to passing away (though of course not until this long and increasing longer lis
t is completed) I can help someone else live. I must admit the main reason I kicked myself into doing it was because I realised that I wouldn't hesitate if someone I loved needed a donation and
it's better than them all just rotting away. Are any other donors out there and did you go through the same thing as me or just get on with it? :P

Monday, 2 May 2011
#61 - Create an awesome canvas painting
(oh and it is meant to have a gothic twist on it. This styling is going to end up on a Ballet costume which i'll have done in a few weeks and i'll post that up too :). This is the so called "red swan" the combination of the "black swan" and "white swan" that i invented, which is the cause of the swirling red patterns on her face. If you're still interested in knowing more, leave me a message and i'll explain, thanks! I hope you all agree to its awesomeness!!!)
#62- The World's Biggest Roller Coasters
Okay so i've stolen this idea from Shelley (Thanks Shelley!
Because I love Roller coasters and defiantly want to test my nerve and stomach! So here's the list, i'll post later on when plans are being made to get to each of them, i'm sure this list will remain in progress for quite some time...
2 - Steel Dragon 2,000 Japan
3- Millennium Force Ohio
4- Top thrill Dragster Ohio
5- Dodonpa Japan
6 -Thunder Dolphin Japan
7- Goliath Switzerland
8- Dragon Khan Spain
9- Titan Texas
10 - Nemisis England
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Updated list!

Hey was looking for inspiration for changing my list around a bit because I want it to be even bigger and better and more challenging than before. I'm going to try and write a review for every film and book and have a photo of each actual thing that I tick off (or at least one that reminds me of it) so that they don't fly by without significance. So woo for updates!
Not long now...

Home stretch for coursework and exams! Phew. After the 20th of June I've got all of summer before shooting off to uni woo hoo! Which means crossing the first thing off of my bucket list (1. go to university) is fast getting ticked off. Working through the last of my art coursework too, i'm currently working on this Black Swan/Swan lake costume so hopefully that'll turn out okay, and i'm working on a canvas inspired by Sylvia Ji, i'll post some pics up when it's done.
Oh I won an astronomy award though I know little to nothing about astronomy. The question was, if the whole universe was put in a box what would the box look like. And i won! What would you have put? I'll put up my answer a bit later ;). Oh and i might be buying my 'one really expensive thing you weren't supposed to buy' in the form of a prom dress, but we shall see... I'm not usually one to splash out for one night occasions but hey, it's the end of a big stage for me and you only get it once right?
I'm going to try and post on here more often, even with things that aren't part of the lists they're still part of my life. So speak to you all soon, leave a comment etc. Oh and my next thing to do is get a cookbook to start working through, any suggestions? I want it to be one that shows you about how to cook more than just giving a standard bunch of recipes. Julia Child's book was one suggestion. Thanks, chocs ;)
p.s. who else is loving the song Skinny Love by Birdy??
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Hey guys, it's been ages! Sorry about that. Quick update though to check off some stuff! Have been trying to read more books and have read a few recently including The picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde (of which is defiantly a must read for how beautifully written it is and reminds me of another great book called Perfume) and Dracula (which at the gripping parts is amazing with the detail but had me starting to drift at a few not so gripping points, but worth sticking with!). I think my next adventure must be the one called "the stranger", of which i know nothing about but was recommended by my good librarian friend haha. Hope everyone else's lists are going well!
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